When deciding on what designs to go for, take your time and don't pressure yourself. Make it a fun and memorable journey. The more planning and time you devote into it, the more it will be meaningful for you in the long run. Just remember that whatever designs you go for, make sure that its something that you will love and can live with for the rest of your life. After all, its your tattoo and you should be the now you should be happy about it.
Draw out your ideas from magazines and tattoo galleries online. There are literally thousands of images that you can find online. Check out the photos and see what other people have for their back tattoos. Just make sure you don't copy their designs as you would want to be unique as much as possible with your back tattoos.
Work with a reputable tattoo artist. A lot of them do freehand or custom design just for you. You can talk with them about the type of tat theme you want to go for and he can help you in conceptualizing one. Try to stay away from flash images in the tattoo studio as you would not want to have an ink that has been used a lot of times already.
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